Making PCRE required ? Was: Optional PCRE breaking build?

Stephan Kulow coolo at
Mon Jan 21 14:29:24 GMT 2008

Am Montag 21 Januar 2008 schrieb Allen Winter:
> In summary, I'm not sold that we should change the PCRE requirement at this
> time.  Leave it up to the developers, I think.
I tend to agree. You have to accept that a kpat developer needs to compile
kdelibs even if he is not interested to surf the web with it. Same for other
optional dependencies. But if it's optional, it should just compile with a big
warning and not require a -DYES_I_KNOW_WHAT_IM_DOING. I think it should be our
policy to rely on developers being able to read.

Distributions are not the problem here, I would agree.

Greetings, Stephan

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