Closing the arts product in

Bram Schoenmakers bramschoenmakers at
Sun Jan 13 20:50:19 GMT 2008

Op zondag 13 januari 2008, schreef Gary L. Greene Jr.:


> Please people, stop crusading to close out bugs just because it
> artificially would bring the bug count down.

This is not about having a fancy bug count. I'd rather see a database with 
30.000 valid bugs than a database of 15.000 bugs with outdated/invalid stuff 
(not that I hope we really reach those 30.000 :)).

All this is about having a clean database, cleaning out bugs which have 
close-to-zero chance to be fixed (no maintainer, not enough info, no response 
for n months).

We should be a bit realistic towards the bug reporters and not pretend that 
arts bugs will be fixed in the future. Even if it is used by +90% of the KDE 
installations today.

Kind regards,

Bram Schoenmakers
KDE Netherlands (

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