Konqueror first page links to media:/

Bernhard mustermaxi at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 11:28:45 GMT 2008

hm.. yeah.. seems to be a good "fix" at least for 4.0.0 ... I wonder about
the system:/ kioslave... the modules also seem to be wrong .. or at least
not equal to them from systemsettings. Is there any chance  that fixing this
is just small work and that this can happen before 4.0 get's tagged because
for the average user this is really confusing.

2008/1/3, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at kde.org>:
> On Wednesday 02 January 2008, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > That does not exist!!!
> >
> > Releasing KDE 4.0 like that is a bad idea, any taker?
> it's html and a cpp file, it's in kdebase/apps/konqueror/about. it would
> be
> nice to replace it with something else since, well, it ballances out the
> 2x3
> grid.
> we could replace media:// with a path to someplace in the FS if there was
> a
> reliable way of finding that. afaik there isn't, thoug. so.. yeah. it's
> almost like people putting operating systems together would like to make
> it
> impossible to write decent interfaces to them.
> i can replace it with a link to the system directory (root). it sucks but
> at
> least it works, right? *sigh*
> any better ideas?
> --
> Aaron J. Seigo
> humru othro a kohnu se
> GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43
> KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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