KDE Services Configuration
Michael Jansen
kde at michael-jansen.biz
Thu Feb 28 14:16:46 GMT 2008
There is a problem with kdedglobalaccel i'm not sure how to fix.
Using "kcmshell4 kcmkded" you see an overview of KDE Services. That status is
determined using the following logic:
ask org.kde.kded/kded method loadedModules for a list of loaded modules and
compare that to the "X-KDE-Library=globalaccel" field from all kded services
desktop files.
The "KDED Global Shortcut Server" has "X-KDE-Library=globalaccel". But
advertises itself on dbus as "kdedglobalaccel". No match - No status.
I'm not sure which of those to change, because i don't know what is the less
intrusive solution. If you tell me which one to change i will do it.
In an unrelated note: Should the user be able to stop on-demand services?
Michael Jansen
Available for contract work ( Development / Configuration Management )
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