luna in kdereview, proposed move into extragear

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Feb 13 17:06:33 GMT 2008

On Wednesday 13 February 2008, Davide Bettio wrote:
> I just moved luna plasma applet to kdereview.

great =) i see you put it in kdreview/ itself; i've moved it into 
kdreview/plasma/applets with the other applets under review.


* you could connect to the UTC data source of the Time DataEngine and avoid 
updateStatus() altogether. you get both the time and the date there, and 
QDateTime provides a toTime_t.

* where is it actually updating the contents? i don't see anything connected 
to updateStatus(), and connectToEngine() isn't called anywhere? replace the 
call to updateStatus() in init() with a call to connectToEngine and things 
are happy (just tried)

* i wonder if the painting might look better at different if the moon images 
were a bit bigger in the svg itself and you called 
m_theme->resize(contentSize()) in constraintsUpdated when the SizeConstraint 
is passed in

* you shouldn't need to call updateGeometry in constraintsUpdated (if you do, 
there's a bug somewhere in libplasma =)

* you don't need that contentSizeHint there, or expandingDirections. just call 
setRemainSquare(true) somewhere (e.g. the constructor of your applet)

see attached patch.

> Luna is a plasma applet based on the legacy kicker applet kmoon.
> I hope that the applet can be moved to extragear/plasma/applets/ after the

that looks like a good place for it.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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