KDynamicSetting new class proposal

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at kde.org
Tue Feb 12 14:44:10 GMT 2008


First of all Pino, thanks for having a look at the class :)

> > private:
> >     KDynamicSetting();
> Why so?

Nah, as we talked on IRC, I didn't know that if you did not specify the 
constructor on the public segment, no constructor was created... I thought 
gcc added a "null" one, but still being valid. Probably I mixed up with my 
java knowledge that I had to learn two years ago at uni... :)

> Not sure if it's really possible, but a minimum autotest for it? :)

Yes, why not. I will try to write a small test battery for this class before 

So I attach again the code if you guys want to review the cleaned version. Now 
it only contains the enums that I will use at the moment. On the previous 
example I added a few more to show how easy it is to add new.

Bye and thanks,
Rafael Fernández López

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