New KMessageBox Style

pinheiro nuno at
Sat Feb 2 21:22:06 GMT 2008

Em Sábado, 2 de Fevereiro de 2008 19:04, o Richard Hartmann escreveu:
> On Feb 2, 2008 7:44 PM, pinheiro <nuno at> wrote:
> > Ok, I just wish people were less negative about stuf that gets done and
> > would point other directions, oposed to the ..., "this is bad don't do
> > it".
> If I sounded negative, I do want to apologize. Sorry :)
> I think the main problem is that many who replied see those icons are
> very fundamental and, being artistically impaired (like me), simply lack
> the imagination to come up with other good suggestions. They simply
> realized that something they care deeply about might disappear unless
> they intervened.
> As I said, I would suggest looking at ways to enhance the basic current
> layout with the prominent icons instead of degrading those icons to a
> form of eye candy. Colors that increase the differences between info,
> warning and error would possibly work. Or the same symbol as an
> almost fully translucent copy of itself in the background (switched off
> for the high contrast modes). I am sure that with the amazing work you
> guys put into oxygen, you will be able to find a very good solution. And
> if that means that everything stays the same, then you at least know that
> the current design is the best it can possibly be :)
> Richard
) well I might be a bit of my feet today so... :)

any way in anything you do you can allways do beter, couse nothing is perfect 
for ever and somtimes somthing that was great today will be bad tomorow and 
perfect the next day.
So we should always question ourselfs and what we do, lets strive every day to 
do the bset we can .  


core oxygen icon designer

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