New KMessageBox Style

Urs Wolfer uwolfer at
Sat Feb 2 13:07:58 GMT 2008

On Saturday 02 February 2008 13:16:00 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Samstag, 2. Februar 2008, um 00:21 Uhr, schrieb Urs Wolfer:
> > I have worked on a new KMessageBox style. Aaron has suggested to create
> > something similar to the new DrKonqi style.
> Is there a screenshot for those who never see DrKonqui, please? ;)

Of course:

> > Thanks to Nuno's help, I have
> > now a patch ready. Patch is attached.
> >
> > I don't think it's necessary to tell more about it. Let's talk the
> > screenshots :)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Comments?
> Good idea to touch this, but sorry, don't like this solution too much. I
> find it too much hiding the nature of the visual signals, that is color and
> shape, so the meaning gets lost a little (info vs. error).
> Couldn't those perhaps not be merged with the whole view in general, like
> this:
> A message box (hm, dialogbox would be a better name, no?) consists
> typically of
> 	Message.
> 	Question.
> 	Options to select answer from.
> Now could the message part itself not get some styling, reflecting the
> nature (info, warning, error) of it? It is already done in other ui (cmp.
> Eclipse or banking webinterface dialogs), and I find it helpful. Perhaps
> even the whole background of the window could be effected by the signal
> color -> needs additional colors in the color palette, if they aren't there
> already as discussed previously.
> And I wonder if KMessageBox is still the way to go and promote for one-way
> user interaction (all "dialogs" with only a OK-button). Isn't it rather the
> way Okular, K3B and Co. are going by having (passive) in-pane message
> displays? And then those messages are rather best to be feed to the
> KNotification system, so the user can decide what she likes best. (Alright,
> KNotification contains still the option to show such window boxes, so they
> still need a styling).
> Could other effects be applied perhaps? And has there been any discussion
> with the Usability and accessibility folks? :) After all this is about
> direct user interaction.

See Nuno's mail. We are open for other effects.

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