New KMessageBox Style

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Sat Feb 2 12:16:00 GMT 2008


Am Samstag, 2. Februar 2008, um 00:21 Uhr, schrieb Urs Wolfer:
> I have worked on a new KMessageBox style. Aaron has suggested to create
> something similar to the new DrKonqi style.

Is there a screenshot for those who never see DrKonqui, please? ;)

> Thanks to Nuno's help, I have 
> now a patch ready. Patch is attached.
> I don't think it's necessary to tell more about it. Let's talk the
> screenshots :)
> Comments?

Good idea to touch this, but sorry, don't like this solution too much. I find 
it too much hiding the nature of the visual signals, that is color and shape, 
so the meaning gets lost a little (info vs. error).
Couldn't those perhaps not be merged with the whole view in general, like 
A message box (hm, dialogbox would be a better name, no?) consists typically 
	Options to select answer from.
Now could the message part itself not get some styling, reflecting the nature 
(info, warning, error) of it? It is already done in other ui (cmp. Eclipse or 
banking webinterface dialogs), and I find it helpful. Perhaps even the whole 
background of the window could be effected by the signal color -> needs 
additional colors in the color palette, if they aren't there already as 
discussed previously.

And I wonder if KMessageBox is still the way to go and promote for one-way 
user interaction (all "dialogs" with only a OK-button). Isn't it rather the 
way Okular, K3B and Co. are going by having (passive) in-pane message 
displays? And then those messages are rather best to be feed to the 
KNotification system, so the user can decide what she likes best. (Alright, 
KNotification contains still the option to show such window boxes, so they 
still need a styling).

Could other effects be applied perhaps? And has there been any discussion with 
the Usability and accessibility folks? :) After all this is about direct user 


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