PolicyKit-KDE moved to extragear

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Sat Dec 27 19:12:00 GMT 2008

On Saturday 27 December 2008, Dario Freddi wrote:
> Given the date, I moved polkit-kde to extragear/base. I'll bring the
> discussion up again for moving it into trunk for KDE 4.3 at the right time.

you don't need to discuss this as there was consensus about where it belongs; 
it was just a matter of timing =) so ... when 4.3 opens up for feature 
development (within the next few weeks) move it over at your convenience.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software

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