Tagging kdesupport projects

Allen Winter winter at kde.org
Sat Aug 30 13:40:08 BST 2008

On Saturday 30 August 2008 05:54:06 Jos van den Oever wrote:
> 2008/8/29 Allen Winter <winter at kde.org>:
> > Basically, I'd like the code in kdesupport to start behaving like real software projects.
> > just like any other.  with real releases and  real announcements, etc.
> >
> > At some point you need to make a Soprano release, tag it, release it into the wild.
> >
> > So.. it would be nice if you could tag a stable Soprano and then announce it
> > to kde-core-devel and kde-packagers.  And tell us where in KDE it can be used.
> >
> > For example:
> > Soprano X.Y is now available.  You can find it in tags/whereever
> > Please use this version from now on in KDE trunk.
> > The KDE branch should continue using Soprano X-1.
> >
> > Then, you can go on happily developing in kdesupport.  We will change
> > our build scripts to use the version in tags.
> Strigi has latest release 0.5.11. This is suitable for KDE <= 4.1. For
> trunk you need strigi trunk in kdesupport. There will be a 0.6.0
> before KDE 4.2.
> Will that do?
Yes, because the latest stable release is 0.5.11

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