drkonqi and backtrace analysis

John Tapsell johnflux at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 11:59:23 BST 2008

2008/8/4 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak at suse.cz>:
>  Hello,
>  I'm not sure if anybody has noticed, but bugs.kde.org currently has loads of
> reports with completely useless backtraces (and so there has to step in the
> human factor in the form of the bug squad and do the
> useless-please-install-debuginfo-heres-techbase-link routine). I've already
> fixed that and rewrote the code a bit so hopefully next time it'll be simpler
> also for somebody else to save the day, however with the usage of hidden
> symbol visibility and so on useless backtraces have become quite common, so
> these days it's not very nice to just shrug off all of those.
>  Therefore I'd like to commit the attached patch which should try harder when
> analysing the backtrace and should also collect information about which
> binaries are missing debuginfo. The idea is that distributions will also ship
> $KDEDIR/lib/kde4/libexec/installdebuginfo [1], and if it is available then
> drkonqi will offer installing the necessary debugging packages and try again.

Ah excellent - I was thinking of this over the weekend heh.

Where in svn is the 'default' installdebuginfo script?  I would like
to get the default to cover the main distros.

John Tapsell

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