KBreakOut moved to kdereview.

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Apr 22 01:23:28 BST 2008

(Why is this discussion on k-c-d? Move it to kde-games, please!)

Fela Winkelmolen wrote:
> On Friday 18 April 2008, Allen Winter wrote:
>> A nit...
>> The paddle became "catchable", but never becomes "un-catchable"
>> until I lost the ball or finished the level.  I think the catchable state
>> should be removed after a time or number-of-hits threshold.
> I suppose that depends on taste.. I think it's nice the way it is, it makes it 
> even more important to not lose the ball. By the way, the same applies to 
> burning ball, unstoppable ball, and paddle size.

I haven't played KBreakout yet, but... my favorite arkanoid-clone-of-old 
worked the same way as I recall; powerups were "permanent", but you 
could only have one, so any given powerup lasted until you dropped the 
(last; there was a 1 ball->3 powerup) ball or got a different powerup. 
(Except I'm pretty sure the aforementioned 'duplicate ball' isn't 
canceled by getting another powerup.)

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