Adding a section "Touching old code" to the Kdelibs Coding Style (was: Re: [PATCH] Set program icon name by KAboutData)

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon Apr 21 18:01:15 BST 2008

On Monday 21 April 2008, Maksim Orlovich wrote:
> > --- 8< ----
> > == Touching old code ==
> >
> > You improve old code to follow the style guide as you touch it. If you
> > change
> > a method significantly, you redo the whole method; if you just touch a
> > few lines, then you improve just the local context.
> >
> > Code in kdelibs was historically created in a mix of personal coding
> > styles.
> > As the commit annotation function of subversion (<tt>svn blame</tt>)
> > operates
> > on a per-line base a complete adaption to the official coding style would
> > have turned this function unusable for too large parts.
> > --- 8< ----

this sound sensible to me; hearing from other kdelibs developers would be good 
of course, before putting it in ....

and to re-itterate from the previous conversation: this coding style policy 
affects libkdecore, libkdeui, libkutils, libkio and any other framework that 
decides to opt in. it doesn't affect khtml, etc.

> This suggestion can lead to inconsistency of code that's already
> consistently indented, just in a different style. Please don't.

this discussion was already had *months* ago, far in advance of 4.0. this 
objection was already brought up, discussed at length, and dealth with. 
restarting the whole conversation is pointless, unless the point is to waste 
everyone's time and energy or unless there is actual new information to add 
to it.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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