[patch] kfilewidget, kurlcompletion, kurl: improve experience of using the file widget
Jaroslaw Staniek
js at iidea.pl
Mon Apr 7 13:41:43 BST 2008
David Faure said the following, On 2008-04-07 11:38:
> On Thursday 03 April 2008, Jarosław Staniek wrote:
>> return u1.toString( options ).toLower() == u2.toString( options ).toLower();
> QString::compare( a, b, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) would be faster than two calls to toLower().
> Your hasSubUrl optimization should probably use a switch() statement?
Good idea. Improved the two things in KUrl (a new patch attached for review).
Another improvement in KUrl:
QString::compare() is also used in KUrl::equals() on Windows.
regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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