shadeSortColumn - cruft?
Matthew Woehlke
mw_triad at
Tue Sep 25 15:36:50 BST 2007
Peter Penz wrote:
> On Tuesday, 25. September 2007 15:36, Martin Koller wrote:
>> On Tuesday 25 September 2007, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>>> This method (from KGlobalSettings) seems to only be used by K3ListView.
>>> Is it OK to remove it next Monday? (Or does lxr lie? Do we still need
>>> this in KDE4?)
>> I was the one implementing this feature in KDE3.
>> I have no KDE4 source here to check so I ask:
>> Is the feature "show the sorted column with a shaded background" available
>> in konqueror in KDE4 ?
> As far as I know this never was a Konqueror specific setting in KDE 3. The
> feature "Shade sorted column in lists" can be turned on in the control center
> under "Appearance & Themes" -> "Colors" and was valid globally.
Right. But only K3ListView uses it ATM. If it is *supposed* to be used
and is not (and this is a bug), that's fine. I'm only asking because
right now it isn't used as far as I (or at least LXR) can tell, except
for K3ListView.
> The feature (or at least the checkbox to turn it on) is also available in the
> color-module of systemsettings in KDE 4.
Yes, because it was there in KDE3. The "do we still need it" question
actually came up when jpwhiting went to hook up the checkbox in the kcm
and we realized that no one cares about it except K3ListView. IOW, we
are wondering if it is still needed.
> Konqi uses the Dolphin KPart for displaying lists, so no K3ListView is used
> anymore. Dolphin currently does not draw shaded sorted columns, but from my
> point of view this should be fixed not only in Dolphin, but globally for KDE.
Ok, so I guess it should stay, which is more or less what I expected.
Please use it though :-).
Thanks for the quick feedback.
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