Temporary KColorScheme change - hard-code some state colors

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Sep 17 17:53:49 BST 2007

Richard Dale wrote:
> All I can say is when I first tried this 
> change, it made the KDE4 UI look like a dog's breakfast.

Somewhere in this thread, I /did/ mention that there are bugs :-). Of 
course it won't work first try, because no one has really tried it 
before (that I know of, at least who hasn't abandoned the effort), and 
so many bugs have never been visible.

Please report any bugs caused by Inactive!=Active, I know they're out 
there. I've already reported to TT that there is no inactive+disabled, 
and that QListWidget and QTreeWidget are broken. I also know that konq's 
address bar has a state bug, I fixed a state bug in dolphin 
(KFileItemDelegate actually) and of course pinotree reported serious 
problems in Okular (I'm working on getting kdegraphics built so I can 
check that out).

> Do we have any 
> examples of styles where Active and Inactive don't look the same which are 
> visually appealing?

As pinheiro noted... oxygen? ;-) It helps also to not go overboard with 
the difference; -0.3 for IntensityShade is maybe too much, I've started 
using -0.2 here.

"It's impossible! But... do-able."
   -- Robert MacDougal (Sean Connery, Entrapment)

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