Temporary KColorScheme change - hard-code some state colors

Jos Poortvliet jospoortvliet at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 20:47:23 BST 2007

On 9/14/07, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at kde.org> wrote:
> On Friday 14 September 2007, pinheiro wrote:
> > The hole concept of the style was allways around the "no windeck" idea so
> > how do we do it?
> this is perhaps the right question worded the wrong way.. =)
> since flipping colours not only introduces horrible flicker (that won't be
> easy if at all even possible to eliminate perfectly) and makes it harder to
> read/view non-focussed windows (which should still be perfectly readable,
> think of the multi-document use case), it really isn't an option for the
> default mode. so perhaps the question really is: "since we can't do it this
> way, what other ideas can we come up with?" by dissallowing the option
> completely, i'm sure we'll (be forced to) come up good alternatives.
> some that occur to me right now:
> - changing the colours of the window decoration buttons / text
> - changing the shape of the window decoration buttons / text
> - changing the appearance of the window decoration, even if this means that
> non-focussed windows don't have a perfectly seamless border between deco and
> contents; e.g. perhaps the title bar could be blurred, lightened,
> darkenned ...?

Pinheiro said it should be very subtle, well, I agree. But just not
changing the background would help a lot already, I think. What if
text gets grayed out a little? It won't cause flicker, and keeps
windeco and contents the same. Or we use Kwin to blur the window (but
that won't work if you've turned this off). I think doing something to
the whole window (but not too intrusive) would be better than just
changing the windowdecoration (aside from aesthetics's).

> and since those occurred to me in the 30s i've spent thinking about it, i'll
> bet there are some actually good ideas to be had ;)

> --
> Aaron J. Seigo
> humru othro a kohnu se
> GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43
> KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech

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