[path] litte kDebug extension

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Fri Sep 14 08:35:48 BST 2007

Olivier Goffart schrieb:
> Le mercredi 12 septembre 2007, Ralf Habacker a écrit :
>> The use case for this functionality makes sense for KDE apps which uses
>> simply kDebug() and friend with the default area. (I have found this in
>> umbrello).
> This is perfectly fine for applications to use the default area (0).
> area are there for libraries, or for big application that have several parts. 
> It is used when you want to filter the part you are actually debugging.
> When you debug an application, you just start one per console, so the main 
> application debug area can have 0.
this may be the use case for unix but not for windows. On windows all 
debug messages of *all* running gui applications are merged into one 
output and could only be displayed with DbgView.

Say I am debugging an application with kdevelop and have some other 
applications open. Kdevelop, the debuggee and all open applications will 
print its debug messages to area 0. I can only switch all or nothing 

>> Any objectivities ?
> (Your code is not thread safe)
thanks for this pointer, i've updated the patch.


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