KWin slowness (was Re: Release schedule clarifications)

Chris Howells chris+kde-core-devel at
Tue Oct 30 00:30:51 GMT 2007

Andreas Pakulat wrote:

> I'm sorry I can't be more specific at the moment, because I can't start 
> a kde4 desktop using kwin at all. As soon as the desktop is up and 
> running I get tons of dr.konqi crash dialogs from knotify4 and I can't 
> find a way to stop that currently.

Well, the hacky work around ;)

cd $KDEDIR/bin; mv knotify4 knotify4.crap

I've not had much of a chance to look why knotify is crashing yet but 
it's getting a bit annoying now that it's been broken for quite a few days.

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