Bug reporting for KDE 4

Maksim Orlovich mo85 at cornell.edu
Mon Oct 29 13:18:45 GMT 2007

  Most (IMO) apps have their own
> versioning scheme.  As well as creating confusion, this prevents
> release-team
> from querying for 'all the bugs in 4.0rc42'.

That's impossible to query for anyway, since the desired answer will
include many of the bugs reported for rc41.

> I propose that all apps in the KDE 4 release cycle drop their custom
> version
> strings and use $KDE_VERSION instead.  What am I missing that prevents us
> from doing so?

Some apps have version numbers higher than the KDE version (e.g. kwrite).
But I think using something less vague than "Using KDE SVN devel", and
perhaps having some way of searching for it would help. Of course, one can
just use [KDE4] in title or something.

Perhaps enabling the milestone feature will help, but it's not like it's
not complex enough as-is

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