KDE4 release discussion, Was: KIO::NetAccess static methods question

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Oct 25 21:09:14 BST 2007

On 25.10.07 21:59:03, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Thursday 25 October 2007, Andreas Hartmetz wrote:
> > I think that everybody who listened to the hype will also listen when tell
> > them that 4.0 is expected to be somewhat buggy. The hype never included
> > anything about bugs, so it's not even like we'd have to revoke previous
> > statements. As long as the worst problems get fixed quickly some users may
> > even find it interesting to see what software that isn't 100% finished
> > looks like and watch the improvements :)
> I seriously doubt that.
> 4.0 sounds like finished.

No it doesn't, not in the open source world. A .0 release (at least for
me) always means a few regressions, new bugs, some instabilities than
the last .x release. 

> We didn't mention bugs or an experimental release 
> before,

I personally always did and I've seen quite some posts that did so as
well, i.e. mentioning that KDE4.0 != KDE4 and that not everything from
the rock-stable KDE 3.5.x release survived/is finished porting.

> so a real release which can be used (not necessarily 
> in "enterprises") by home users and geeks is expected.

I'd recommend 4.0 to geeks, not your usual home user.

> There will also be blogs and reviews of the "stable" KDE 4.0 release by people 
> not pro-KDE. Imagine how they will react to an "experimental" release when 
> they heard the hype all the time.
> Bad news damage much more than good news help.

So what? If we delay the release for another 2-4 months those people
will bitch about KDE4 being a hype and never getting into reality. Don't
listen to them, there are always naysayers, let the marketing/publicity
people deal with these marketing/publicity issues. Lets concentrate on
getting the issues fixed and a release done.


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