Release schedule clarifications
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at
Thu Oct 25 17:36:42 BST 2007
On 25.10.07 10:31:52, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Thursday 25 October 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > > > Last but not least: The panel doesn't expand over both screens, but
> > > > also
> > >
> > > it's not supposed to
> >
> > So I can't have it expand over both screens? :( I like that feature in
> > kicker very much.
> no, the concept is broken in many ways. for one, if you have two monitors with
> different resolutions, then at which coordinates do you position the panel
> exactly? when doing things like "show only windows on current screen" in a
> taskbar where the taskbar is split between screens, what do you do? what
> about odd scenarios where the monitors are not left-right but top-bottom?
> multi-screen panels work in pretty much exactly one configuration: panel at
> the top or bottom with 2 or more monitors with the same resolution in a
> left-to-right configuration. they break in every pretty much every other
> case.
Understood and accepted :) I do use that one configuration though, but I
guess I can as well work with 2 panels, once that feature is available.
> you can, of course, put a panel (or multiple panels) on each screen. this is
> actually what i ended up doing when i used to have a xinerama set up at work.
> even with kicker it worked better that way.
The only downside with my current setup is that I need to fix kicker,
else it sometimes jumps back to being on only 1 screen (IIRC when
accidentally moving an applet)
> the only thing that works better with one panel on multiple screens is that
> you could drag applets along the width of a panel without doing an external
> drag and drop; so .... a fairly trivial improvement that isn't overly
> annoying in the best of times.
Well, for me its also that I'd need the space for the taskmanager, I
have 1.25 screens for that currently, which is pretty impossible with 2
panels I think.
Increased knowledge will help you now. Have mate's phone bugged.
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