Release schedule clarifications

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Oct 25 01:48:45 BST 2007

On Wednesday 24 October 2007, Dan Meltzer wrote:
> It seems like an even greater "stroke of sheer genius" and by genius I
> mean I'm being sarcastic, to throw workspace out in a final release so
> that it gets testing for 4.1.  Isn't that the point of betas?

so your logic is that because it doesn't get enough testing now ... ensure it 
gets even less testing in the future? wow.

then again, with all these "amazing progress" i've been hearing about lately 
maybe things will actually be alright.

if people can get their day to day work done properly that's what matters, 
right? not having a news ticker isn't going to kill anyone last i checked.

> Granted, there were no real beta's for plasma, but this supports even
> more the idea of postponing it.

ok, i'm going to bring this back to reality a wee bit and note clearly that 
you mean simply replace plasma with kicker and kdesktop. in that case, feel 
free to resurrect and maintain them. i don't relish the work ahead of you. 
kicker will be particularly fun.

from an appearances POV, it's far easier to say, "well, here's version 0.9 of 
plasma. here's the promise in it, we're working with the community to make it 
even better." than "so here's old stuff that looks even worse now."

p.s. a note on effective sarcasm: you should never need to actually call it 
sarcasm, it should stand on its own as such. in fact, if you really nail it, 
people should actually be wondering if it was sarcasm or not. and if they ask 
you should be able to say yes or no with an equally straight face and get 
away with it.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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