kde3 kde4 coinstallability take two

Thiago Macieira thiago at kde.org
Mon Oct 22 12:34:11 BST 2007

Em Monday 22 October 2007 13:20:06 Kevin Krammer escreveu:
> From a quick look at the code I'd say it is using direct X11 communication
> with the window manager, so it should work with other window managers as
> well and there is probably no difference for a script if it calls the KDE3
> or KDE4 version.

If that is so, then my take is that we don't rename it. Distributions fix this 
through an "alternatives" mechanism, so that "kstart" always works. Which one 
is run doesn't matter.

Worst case scenario, you're triggering the load of the wrong libraries into 

  Thiago Macieira  -  thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
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