KIconLoader workaround - For now, till QtSvg gets fixed [TAKE 2]

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at
Thu Oct 18 18:06:50 BST 2007

On Wednesday 17 October 2007 21:15:51 Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> Hi again,
> I would like to know if the attached patch can be committed or not. This
> code makes it very easy to remove the parts that are unneeded when the SVG
> renderer is fixed on Qt.
> For trying it is even easier, just define on kicontheme.cpp and
> kiconloader.cpp #define KDE_QT_SVG_RENDERER_FIXED instead of #undef
> KDE_QT_SVG_RENDERER FIXED. That will let us try to test if the drawing has
> been fixed or not.
> I have written a small application that tests KIconLoader, so we are able
> to test its behavior when we want:
> So, should I commit the attached patch ?

I think it looks ok.
By the way, if you want an example of extremely loosy rendering done by Qt, 
look at how QtSvgRenderer renders application-x-mswrite (with your example 
application, for example). Then tell me if that's acceptable, in your 
opinion. ;-)

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