
pinheiro nuno at oxygen-icons.org
Tue Oct 16 22:42:27 BST 2007

A Tuesday 16 October 2007 21:03:52, Mauricio Piacentini escreveu:
> > I wouldn't. It'll look very broken.
> Ricardo is definately right on this, the current SVG support is still
> not good enough to render the icons on-the-fly. Believe us, to get
> acceptable rendering in games we have some very patient artists that
> work around all the issues, including masking, stroke styles, and
> others. And sometimes things still break, even in minor releases like
> 4.3.1 and 4.3.2. So it is definitively safer to render the icon PNGs at
> least for 4.0, and re-evaluate this issue in 4.1.
> Regards,
> Mauricio Piacentini

I have serius doubts it will ever be beter, the trend as the renderes get 
beter and beter is that the artists make more and more complex images couse 
they can :)
Also the size factor is important vector images are geting big very big, png's 
are so much more smaler. 


core oxygen icon designer

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