patch for runner_lock to use kxkb kpart

Andriy Rysin arysin at
Tue Oct 2 00:16:34 BST 2007

2007/9/30, Oswald Buddenhagen <ossi at>:
> On Sat, Sep 29, 2007 at 09:15:55PM -0400, Andriy Rysin wrote:
> > I could not easily find who's current maintainer of krunner/lock
> >
> effectively lubos and to some degree me.
> > I'd consider removing DBUS interface from kxkb which will also has to
> > make it more lightweight which (again IMHO) is not the last
> > characteristic keyboard layout indicator/switcher should have :)
> >
> that's also my main concern - kparts is another lib to be loaded.
> it's small by itself, but pulls in kio, which is, uhm, *huge* ...

gmm, so our component framework is not very small then...

another context to consider this applet in is kdm. there, kio is quite a
> no-go.

that was my other argument for part - it's not easy to do kxkb in kdm with

so, would it be possible to use a plain libloader and QXEmbed (well, the
> qt4 equivalent) to make it more lightweight? or maybe we can introduce a
> KBasicPart as a general solution?

I'll take a look to see if that's reasonable to do it with QXEmbed, though
it would be really nice if our parts library was lightweight enough for
light (secure) components.

BTW, it looks like we might provide DBUS interface anyway, I've just talked
to Sergey Udaltsov and (hopefully) the result that there will be API shared
by KDE and GNOME. The proposed draft of the API is here Comments and suggestions are

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