[patch] cosmetic fix for KPlotWidget

Jason Harris kstars at 30doradus.org
Thu Nov 29 16:56:30 GMT 2007

On Thursday 29 November 2007 06:05:40 am Hans Meine wrote:
> The real bug is that integer coordinates do not denote the centers of
> pixels. (Think of it this way: square pixels do not exist; they are simply
> the nearest-neighbor interpolation of the sampling points, which are at
> integer coordinates.)  This makes live hard for people (like me, doing
> high-accuracy image analysis) who care about sub-pixel positions and such
> "neglectable" offsets.

> To become OT again: Jason's patch is the right workaround for this bug in
> Qt AFAICS. ;-p
Ok, committed (r743009).  Those who prefer bloated, fuzzy lines can do 
QPainter::translate(-0.5, -0.5) to restore the broken behavior ;)


KStars: KDE Desktop Planetarium
kstars at 30doradus.org

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