My Computer

Thomas Zander zander at
Sun Nov 25 20:12:26 GMT 2007

On Sunday 25 November 2007 20:38:39 Germain Garand wrote:
> > Well, for the "technical guy" that doesn't care about "feeling right
> > at home" that might be the case.
> People that do not care about feeling right at home on a computer is
> quite a different group than the "technical guys" (is there even any
> correlation with technical knwoledge? I don't see why there would be..)

Thats not what Torsten said; I think this is a bit too much a loaded 
subject, and we are definitely not at a point in time where 
kde-core-devel should be deciding to override usability research just 
because it gives some (valued!) contributors a feeling of Microsoft.

Please, let this thread die, the string can be changed in 4.1 if it really 
Thomas Zander
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