KDatePicker improvements

Michael Pyne michael.pyne at kdemail.net
Thu Nov 22 15:30:26 GMT 2007

On Thursday 22 November 2007, Jakob Petsovits wrote:
> So...
> * is the patch ok from a technical point of view?
> * ok to apply? if yes, instantly or on Monday?
> * if no, what do I need to leave out?

Kind of late to the discussion by I think the following:

* As already mentioned, the dialog is too narrow now.  It may be size hint or 
whatever but there needs to be some padding between the text.
* I like the double-arrow thing.  The Week combobox dropdown may be a bit too 
big as already mentioned.
* The new features are probably too late for KDE 4. (But remember it can go in 
as soon as 4.1 is branched)
* This should be a separate request but since you're working on it, is there 
*any way* to get some lines drawn in between the days?  Not full contrast 
black but maybe a light gray.  Every calendar I've ever seen has lines 
bordering the days.

Looks like good work though.

 - Michael Pyne
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