Inconsistency detail on Oxygen style

Fela Winkelmolen fela.kde at
Fri Nov 16 16:54:59 GMT 2007

On Friday 16 November 2007, Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just noticed that the behavior on text boxes and buttons is not consistent
> in what state is concerned.
> Push button focused: If you hover it, it gets the hover effect and
> overrides the focus effect.
> Text edit focused: Does not react to hover effect, it seems that the focus
> effect overrides the hover effect.

I think it may be so on purpose. It does make sense to me: clicking on an 
already focused text edit won't change it's focus state.

As for the buttons I think the behavoir is correct too: the focus is needed to 
know what happens when pressing Space or Enter, but if you are hovering the 
button you probably don't mind (you are going to click the button with the 

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