Solid API change request (with patch)

Robert Knight robertknight at
Thu Nov 1 20:05:20 GMT 2007

> you have to do a lot of hacking around to store all of the StorageAccess objects
> and find out which one was the emitter of the signal.

You could use sender() to find the QObject which sent the signal.
This practise is discouraged by the Qt documentation however.


On 01/11/2007, Jeff Mitchell <kde-dev at> wrote:
> I've made this patch today after talking with Kevin.  The
> Solid::StorageAccess::accessibilityChanged signal doesn't normally
> contain the udi of the device with the changed accessibility.  This
> means that if you want to watch this signal for many devices, you have
> to do a lot of hacking around to store all of the StorageAccess objects
> and find out which one was the emitter of the signal.
> The patch adds the device's udi to the signal, which makes it much
> simpler to figure out which device has had its accessibility changed.
> I've tested this out in my application successfully.
> Thanks,
> Jeff

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