Documentation issues for KDE 4

JOSHUA KEEL jkeel546 at
Thu May 31 14:35:20 BST 2007

>>> "David Jarvie" <lists at> 05/31/07 6:25 AM >>>
>The biggest documentation/help lack which I'd love to see remedied is to
>be able to provide quick context dependent help which goes beyond the
>limitations of WhatsThis texts. You may already have this in mind under
>the whatsthis redesign heading, but it isn't clear from the description.
>What I envisage is to retain WhatsThis texts but provide the additional
>help option of displaying short sections of the application's manual
>relevant to the current gui element or context. But it would have to be
>accessed quickly - far quicker than the application's handbook is
>currently displayed from the help menu.

The OpenUsability What's This proposal includes a somewhat expanded version of What's This that will have hyperlinks to the application's manual. It has also been suggested that we try to reuse bits of text from the manual as much as possible, to reduce the amount of work it takes to translate. You suggestion is interesting, though, David. I'll talk to Ellen Reitmayr (she's one of the original authors of the OU proposal) about it.

Joshua Keel

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