Documentation issues for KDE 4

Krzysztof Lichota krzysiek at
Thu May 31 10:33:17 BST 2007

Philip Rodrigues napisaƂ(a):
> 3. KHelpCenter improvements
> 	Various things here:
> 	* Richard Johnson has done some work on providing a start page for KHC in 
> kubuntu. We agreed we'd like to see something similar in KDE.
> 	* It was pointed out that for the use case of "open doc from an application", 
> we could have KHC open quicker if it had a "quick mode" with just a shell 
> around KHTML - no building of the big tree of all docs would be required.

Opening help:/application-name works just fine in Konqueror.

	Krzysztof Lichota

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