What to do about KColor?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon May 28 21:31:22 BST 2007

On 28.05.07 12:55:10, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Monday 28 May 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > As I said above, just doing blendColor(c1,c2) doesn't give you anything
> > but c2 (unless c2 already has an alpha set). Thats the main point,
> > calling that function what I want to end up is a mix of those two
> > colors, not the original c2, without any extra work.
> how much of a mix, exactly in between? if so, that is exactly one more method 
> that serves as a convenience method to the first one. since you know exactly 
> what you want, perhaps you could provide a patch? it's 3 lines of code, 
> including the header change. 

Uhm, the amount should be a parameter, possibly with a sane default
value. I've experimented with the current blendColor right now and it
seems to do what it supposed to, however I need to set an alpha value
and create a temporary color object myself. Thats what blendColor should
hide from the user of the API too. 

Yes I will provide a patch for that in a minute, but I wanted to test
blendColor first. 


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