changes in ThreadWeaver signals and slots

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed May 16 10:40:29 BST 2007

On 16.05.07 10:19:19, Mirko Boehm wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 May 2007 15:09:43 Cyrille Berger wrote:
> > Now it can be argue wether the change was needed or not, but I still
> > believe it should at least have been done on a Monday.
> Only connect statements break, which required some hackery until now, because 
> you could not connect to threadweaver objects without being in the namespace. 
> The change was absolutely necessary. I understand that it sucks. 
> It would have been more on target if you said "how did this slip through until 
> now, you moron?" :-)  

A note before doing the change would've been good, instead of


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