const ref returns in KDE3 compat code / other questions

David Faure faure at
Thu May 10 09:56:48 BST 2007

On Thursday 10 May 2007, Alex Merry wrote:
> KGlobal: There are two functions returning const refs.  I think they 
> probably should do so, but I'd like someone with a bit more experience 
> check before I exclude it.

Yes mainComponent() has to return a ref otherwise the refcounts are messed up,
as per a previous discussion. The other one (activeComponent) could be fixed to
return by value.

> sonnet/loader.h: Most of the members of this class are in the d-pointer, 
> except one that is marked mutable.  I assume this is for a reason, but 
> I'm not sure what.
I'm sure it can move to the d pointer. Which even removes the need for mutable.

> config/ksharedconfig.h: I wasn't sure whether these should have 
> d-pointers or not.  KSharedConfigPtr is possibly too simple, and the 
> global list and shared part of KSharedConfig meant I wasn't sure what 
> to do about it.
They are only refcounting, I can't see the need for additional data there
(any additional feature would be in KConfig anyway).

> io/kurl.h: Does KUrl::List need a d-pointer?  It's just some convenience 
> methods on top of a QList, but I guess it's possible a method might 
> need to store some data in the future...
I really don't see this ever happening... I wouldn't put a d pointer in KUrl::List.

David Faure, faure at, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (

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