Size of "Medium" icons

Riccardo Iaconelli ruphy at
Tue May 8 18:20:20 BST 2007

Il Monday 07 May 2007 22:39:46 James Richard Tyrer ha scritto:
> As I presume everyone knows, KDE uses 22x22 for "Medium" icons and the
> rest of the world (including GNOME) uses 24x24 icons.
> I would like to suggest that KDE 4.0 would be a good time to start
> transitioning to using 24x24 icons instead of 22x22.
> I realize that 22x22 is correct using a power function.  However, we use
> 48x48 icons rather than 45x45.  One of the major reasons for doing this
> is the conversion to SVG for icons.  When a 128x128 pixel SVG image is
> rendered to 22x22, it is always going to render poorly while with 24x24
> boundaries in the image on a 16 pixel grid will be pixel perfect.
> My suggestion is that we convert the code from 22x22 to 24x24.
> When an SVG is rendered, it would be rendered as 24x24 pixels.
> When searching for a 24x24 icon, the additional 2nd step of looking for
> a 22x22 icon would need to be added before the step of looking for other
> sizes to resize.  22x22 icons should not be resized to 24x24 but rather
> padded with a 1 pixel clear boarder.  All new code should contain these
> padded icons.
> Also, Icon resizing can then be improved by choosing the best icon to
> resize.  The resized icon should be made from one that is twice its size
> (16x16 would be best produced from 32x32 and 24x24 would be best
> produced from 48x48).  For other cases SVG is probably the best choice
> although 4x icons could be used.  The very specific point here is that
> the code should avoid making 24x24 icons by downsizing 32x32 icons.
I entirely agree with this message.
22x22 does not make a real sense nowadays, 24x24 will make life much easier 
for artists, will increase compatibility with other DEs, and will allow to 
use 2 pxs more (that are a lot on a small size icon).
I strongly support this proposal!

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