KDE4 default shortcut theme

Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Sat Mar 31 15:20:40 BST 2007

On Saturday 31 March 2007 16:01, Lubos Lunak wrote:
>  This is exactly the same like another very similar feature, which has only
> a different key (Win) and a different menu (Windows Start menu/K-Menu).
> That feature's gone, for good reasons, and this feature should go as well,
> for the same reasons. And exactly the same should also happen to the Ctrl
> shortcut in KHTML, as has been already proposed in this thread. Speaking of
> which, if you're not convinced yet, I'd like to quote somebody you know:
> "The usability people have long ago learned that single key shortcuts are a
> definite no-no."

When you put it like that; you have a good point ;)
And good points easily make me change my mind. I (now) agree that Alt is not 
the most useful way to enter the menu.  F10 is fine as an alternative to me.

Thomas Zander
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