Speech-to-text daemon/input/control

Mike Dean miketdean at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 05:56:13 BST 2007

Uh, are you offering to work on it, or just making a vague request?

On 3/25/07, Hristo Ivanov <gadnio at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to have speech input and control inside KDE.
> One possible soluition is tight integration with the CMU Sphinx project,
> located at http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/
> When speaking of speech input i mean text input in text boxes, menus, etc.
> to be entered from the output of such a text-to-speech program. E.g. when
> I start speaking and the focus is inside a text box, what I say should be
> converted to text and entered inside the box.
> When speaking of speech control, I mean adding some global/local actions
> that can be controled with simple speech commands, say, "save", "exit",
> "open", "logout", etc.
> I know this may be a though area and needs collaboration with the sphinx
> project, also possibly with the X11 folks, and, to be consistent, with GNOME
> folks, but it would be great to have such functionality inside the desktop.
> It could also be of temendous help to the disabled people.
> --
> What does not kill us only makes us stronger.
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