KDE4 KProcess status

John Tapsell johnflux at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 13:35:58 GMT 2007

Try running  sh with the parameters -c   then the script name

On 11/03/07, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:
> On 11.03.07 08:55:51, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> > On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 11:58:54PM +0100, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > > Well, having a quick look at the source I don't see why for example
> > > setWorkingDirectory doesn't work when executing qmake directly in the
> > > KProcess without using setUsingShell().
> > > So my vooodoo really isn't good enough to find fixes here :(
> > >
> > after a first look, mine isn't either.
> > my guess would be that this depends on some env vars set by the shell,
> > i.e., you are not seeing a kprocess bug, but an unexpected qmake
> > behavior. just invoke something that prints the wd+env instead of qmake
> > to verify this theory.
> Hmm, maybe the new process doesn't get proper environment set. A shell
> script that is executable in $HOME/bin (which is in the PATH of my
> account) doesn't seem to get executed, or at least the file that it
> prints wd+env to is never executeded...
> Also the normal output of that script doesn't seem to be "emitted", i.e.
> the slots that are connected to the receivedStdout/Stderr signals don't
> get called.
> Checking wether the process is running after calling start() its not
> even started as it seems. Even if I give the absolute path to the
> script...
> Andreas
> --
> Snow Day -- stay home.

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