moving to oxygen icons on a non-monday

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Mar 6 23:24:00 GMT 2007

hi all...

due to logistics, we didn't make the oxygen icons switch in libs on a monday. 
however, i'd like to do it this week anyways. the worst case scenario is that 
you install your app and you don't get any of the proper icons. a tad 
annoying, but hardly a show stopper.

we have large patches to libs and base to migrate icon names over to the new 
naming scheme, and i'd like to get those in sooner rather than later just for 
merging reasons.

so if nobody objects, i'd like to do this on thursday (gives everyone time to 
read this and object if need be).

as for crystal, the plan at this point is this:
 - rename the icons so they are in line with the icon naming spec
 - move them to kde artwork.

as for migrating other modules, we have 2 new developers helping with this =)) 
as well as myself and riddell. we also have a file that maps old names to new 
names and one of the people helping has created some scripts that i'll get 
checked into kdesdk with references to them in the kde3->kde4 porting guide.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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