[PATCH] RFC: Changing the language of individual KDE programs

Krzysztof Lichota krzysiek at lichota.net
Mon Mar 5 08:37:02 GMT 2007

Aaron J. Seigo napisaƂ(a):
> On March 4, 2007, Krzysztof Lichota wrote:
>> 3. UI is not awesome and I want to run it through kde-accessibility
>> before committing. Maybe they come up with better design.
> perhaps something that mentions the application name, e.g. this (well, it's 
> kde4-ish, but whatever =):
> i18n("Select which language to use in %1 below", 
>         KGlobal::mainComponent().aboutData()->programName());
> and isn't the fall back language always american english? 

Funny, I always thought so, but I was playing a bit with changing
languages for Amarok (it has pretty many translations) and it appears
the fallback is to system default language, not to en_US.
I have Polish language set as system default and I switched language for
Amarok to Russian (ru). amarokrc contained the following config:

But the application appeared with some Russian strings (apparently the
translation is incomplete) and the rest was Polish, not English.

	Krzysztof Lichota

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