Cleaning up KDE tasks for Google SoC

Krzysztof Lichota krzysiek at
Sun Mar 4 09:56:51 GMT 2007

Google SoC 2007 has been started and students are already looking for
topics. I have looked into KDE SoC ideas page and it contains some
obsolete entries, so I guess it should be cleaned up, so that students
are not misled. Last single modification was done in January 2007,
previous modifications are from May 2007.

For example:
"Implement a Phonon Backend using Xine" is AFAIK already being implemented.
"Kat Desktop Search Environment" is obsolete as Kat is dead and we have

BTW. What is the status of "performance" tasks? Have they been done?
Startup I/O analysis
Memory usage analysis
Improved on-disk layout

	Krzysztof Lichota

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