kfilemetainfo progress

Jos van den Oever jvdoever at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 09:54:04 GMT 2007

2007/3/4, Brad Hards <bradh at frogmouth.net>:
> On Sunday 04 March 2007 07:43, Richard Moore wrote:
> > - Could we make the name of the enum 'What' a bit more descriptive?
> Do we even want to leave it in? It appears to have been intended for future
> growth, but I never identified anyone who used it. Most plugins just ignored
> it.
It's an interesting point. I certainly see the use. Suppose you are
only interested in the title of a file. Then you could specify this in
the constructor and get you only the title. This would avoid getting
out more expensive properties like 'md5', 'xml wellformedness', or

For now I'd like to leave 'What' until we've come up with good alternative.
Giving in lists of strings with property keys as I proposed earlier,
might be a nice idea but also a bit expensive.


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