[RFC] KInformationLabel

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Sat Mar 3 18:28:05 GMT 2007

On March 3, 2007, Michaƫl Larouche wrote:
> I have been working (slowy) on a new widget for kdelibs.
> It is a small label to display message in a dialog. The label is first
> hidden when instancied and only show up when a message is affected to the
> label. This is similiar to the ErrorNotifier control in Windows Forms. This
> widget will be useful to replace message box in dialog like Ask Password
> dialog and other non-modal dialogs.
> This is a work in progress of course and not all planned features are not
> implemented. I would like to add a autohide timeout to the widget. I tried
> to add FadeIn animation.
> I would like comments and suggestion about for this widget.

setText(const QString &text, KInformationLabel::Icon icon) should be two 
separate methods, no? setText and setIcon? would it also be possible to reuse 
another enum already in kdelibs, such as KMessageBox::DialogType? 

perhaps even support setting the icon by name in addition to "standard" types 
so it isn't limited to just the icons supported but the class, though the 
enum is good for consistency.

the constructor needs to be labaled "explicit".

a widget like this would be really nice, in any case, for use in kmessagebox 
and other such places, as you noted.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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Full time KDE developer sponsored by Trolltech (http://www.trolltech.com)
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