make kdeui loadable by styles, kill/merge kdefx

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Sat Jun 30 00:00:07 BST 2007

David Faure wrote:
> On Friday 29 June 2007, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> I know I've heard people talk about wanting to kill/merge kdefx, and I 
>> recently learned that the reason it exists as a separate library is (at 
>> least in part) due to some issues loading kdeui outside of a KApplication.
> ... and problems when unloading libraries.
> (not depending on kapp is something we have already fixed in kdelibs4).

Really? ;-)

$ designer -style Plastik
Fatal error: you need to have a KComponentData object before
you do anything that requires it! Examples of this are config
objects, standard directories or translations.

Note: I did *not* have problems previewing with Plastik, so my 
understanding is that there indeed has been much progress :-).

What's going on here I think is the code tried to do KGlobal::config(), 
KConfigGroup() and readEntry(), and it choked at one of those steps. I 
don't think it's doing anything else as far as using objects in kdeui.

>> Is this an issue that can be resolved? (Unfortunately, I don't know 
>> enough about the problem to feel that I can fix it myself.) If so, are 
>> people still in favor of eliminating kdefx as a separate library for KDE4?
> It could be that there is nothing to fix anymore, so the first step isn't
> "how to fix it", but writing a test for it.

Still broken, see above :-).

> Write a style that links to kdeui,
> and send the patch around for people on various systems (including
> FreeBSD and Solaris if possible, not only Linux) to test it (in particular
> testing it in Qt designer and Qt-only apps).

Thanks for the feedback. Patch (for kdelibs/kstyles/plastik) attached; 
test-able by trying to run Qt-only apps with so-patched Plastik, obviously.

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