KConfig nested groups

Benjamin Meyer ben at meyerhome.net
Mon Jun 25 11:13:44 BST 2007

Sounds like you want xml and are forcing it on top of kconfig simply  
because it is there.

-Benjamin Meyer

On Jun 24, 2007, at 9:18 PM, Keith ((n/a)) wrote:

> Dear KDE developers,
>     I am asking for the KDE team to consider implementing nested  
> groups in kconfig before the release of KDE4. I am in the process  
> of developing a point and click game IDE called kollagame. The game  
> is going to allow users to add and remove various objects to the  
> IDE to be used when developing a level. The state of these objects  
> need to be preserved between use of the program. Currently KConfig  
> allows groups but not nested groups and since my game is going to  
> have N number of tiles, spells, weapons, etc, I am in great need of  
> nested groups from kconfig. If this feature is unavailable, I am  
> either going to have to abuse kconfig and manualy create nested  
> groups or save the settings to a xml file. Remember spells,  
> weapons, tiles all have a set of properties that need to be stored  
> in their respected groups.
>     A while back Paolo Capriotti submitted a patch for KConfig to  
> allow for nested groups, I have re-attached this patch.
> Kollagame Developer,
> Keith Neuse
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> <kconfig.patch>

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