reminder: KGlobalSettings cleanup

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Wed Jun 20 00:02:29 BST 2007

This Monday I intend to remove from KGS the following two methods:

calculateAlternateBackgroundColor - used exactly in colorscm (which is 
of course horribly broken anyway); can either be privatized, or should 
be using KColorUtils methods.

createApplicationPalette(KConfigGroup,int) - currently broken, probably 
needs to take a KConfig instead. KColorScheme needs to change if this is 
going to work at all. Used only by KDM which may genuinely need 
something like it. (It's BC to re-add something, not BC to remove a 
useless method!)

Comments? Objections?

"Five is right out!"
   -- Cleric (from Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail)

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